0 && $category_id1 == '' ) { $category_id1 = attribValue("product_categories", "id", "where section_id='". $section_id ."' order by sort_order limit 1"); $_SESSION['PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SELECTED'] = $category_id1; } if ( $_GET['section'] == '' ) { if ( $category_id1 == '' ) $sq = "select * from sections where stype='2' order by id asc LIMIT 1"; else $sq = "select * from sections where stype='2' and id IN (select section_id from product_categories where id=". $category_id1 ." order by sort_order) LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sq); if ( $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) { $section_id = $r['id']; } } if ( $_SESSION['PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SELECTED'] == '' ) { $_SESSION['PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SELECTED'] = $category_id; if ( $category_filter == '' ) $category_filter = " AND category_id='". $_SESSION['PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SELECTED'] ."' "; } $_SESSION['PRODUCT_SECTION'] = $section_id; if ( $section_id > 0 && $category_id1 == '' ) $section_filter = " AND category_id IN (select id from product_categories where section_id=$section_id) "; if ($_SESSION['PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SELECTED'] == '' || $category_id1 != '' ) { $category_id = isset($category_id1) ? $category_id1 : 0; $_SESSION['PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SELECTED'] = $category_id; if ($category_id > 0 ) if ( $section_filter == '' ) $category_filter = " AND category_id='". $_SESSION['PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SELECTED'] ."' "; else $category_filter = ' '; } $fe_limit = $section_filter . $category_filter . ' order by sort_order '; $term = 'keyword search'; if ( isset ($_POST['keyword_search']) ) { $_SESSION['SEARCH_FILTER'] = $_POST['keyword_search']; $term = $_POST['keyword_search']; //echo "select * from products where featured ='no' and active='yes' and title LIKE '%". $term ."%' "; $rst = mysql_query("select * from products where featured ='no' and active='yes' and title LIKE '%". $term ."%'") ; $tot_searched = mysql_num_rows($rst); $search_results = 'Search result for "'. $term .'" showing '. $tot_searched .' matches'; } else { $_SESSION['SEARCH_FILTER'] = ''; } $sql = "select * from products where featured ='no' and active='yes' ". $section_filter ."" ; $_SESSION['SELECTED_MENU_SECTION'] = $section_id; include_once("includes/header.php"); ?>
continue shopping | checkout Checkout
'; } ?>
0 ) { ?> '; $result = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $counter++; $row_class = ( 0 == ($counter % 2))? "alt_row":"default_row"; $product_id = $row['id']; $product_title = $row['title']; $product_regular_price = $row['regular_price']; $product_sale_price = $row['sale_price']; $sic = $row['sic']; //$total_rec = $row['total_records']; $recProduct = $row['ptype']; if ( $recProduct ) $total_rec = 'Subscription'; else $total_rec = $row['total_records']; $chknc = attribValue("recurring_options" , "COUNT(*)" , "WHERE product_id = '". $product_id ."' "); $scr = miniCartHtml($product_id); if ( $row['image'] != '' && file_exists(DOC_ROOT . 'admin/images/products/' . $row['image'] ) ) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize(ABSOLUTE_PATH . 'admin/images/products/' . $row['image']); $img_wid = $width + 40; $product_image = ''; } else $product_image = ''; $rows .=''; $rows .= ''; $rows .= ''; if($chknc > 0){ $rows .= ''; }else{ $rows .= ''; $rows .= ' '; } $rows .= ''; $rows .= ''; $rows .= ''; }//while $rows .= '
'. trim($val) . ' '; } ?> VIEW ALL VIEW ALL
Category Records Org. Price Sale Price  
'.$product_title . $product_image .''. $total_rec .''; $rows .= getNormalRecuringPackages($product_id , 1); $rows .= 'was $ '. number_format($product_regular_price,2).'Sale $ '.number_format($product_sale_price,2).'
'. $scr['mini_cart'] .'
'; $rows .= recurringOptions($product_id , 1); $rows .= '
'; echo $rows; ?>